A Great Miracle Happened THERE...

= חנוכה

As December approaches, this year is not unlike every other year that has passed before it.  People around me start asking "When is Hanukkah?  Are you excited?"

The truth of the matter is - while Hanukkah is a lovely holiday, it is really not up there on the level of importance of some other Jewish holidays and holy days (i.e. in no particular order: Yom Kippur, Rosh Hashanah, Passover, Sukkot, Shavuot, Shemini Azteret & Simchat Torah, Tisha B'av, Tu B'shvat, Purim & Ta'anit Esther, Rosh Chodesh, and the celebration that comes every Friday at sundown - Shabbat).  The celebration that occurs during Hanukkah is not included within the Torah, which is where the major holidays are described, but because it occurs near to another BIG non-Jewish holiday (guess which one?) over the years it has gained notoriety outside of the Jewish community as well as within the community to help Jewish children feel less like outsiders.  So, I thought I would provide a little Hanukkah education for those who might be interested while I have use of this platform.  This year, Hanukkah begins at sundown on Sunday December 2nd and lasts until sundown on Sunday December 10th - yes I just had to google the dates even though it starts in a few days.  Happy Hanukkah everyone!

Last year Mayim Bialek posted the following video about Hanukkah.  She gives a great overview of the history as well as some of the misconceptions that surround the holiday.  I hope you enjoy!

Also, I thought I would include this story because I found it interesting, hope you enjoy!
This Forgotten Hanukkah Heroine Deserves All the Love


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