When was the last time you sat down and had a conversation with someone? Or even a few people? Now ask yourself when the last time you did that without looking at your phone, or computer - or social media, in particular. I, for one, can't remember. Considering the four 'big players' in social media - Google, Facebook, Youtube, and Twitter - a lot of us interact with all four on a daily basis, or at least two of the four, and in my completely non-scientific assumption, do so more often than sitting and having a real, uninterrupted (by technology) conversation with another human being. As someone who struggles with anxiety, I know that connecting with friends and family in real life makes a huge difference in my anxiety level in the best way possible. The lesson on two-way communication is a good reminder to focus on the people in our lives, and to spend real, quality time with them - interpersonally communicating.