
Showing posts from October, 2018

A Sunday with Sarah & Swell - Photo Essay CMNS 150

A Sunday with Sarah & Swell

Connected, but alone? - A Response to Sherry Turkle

Sherry Turkle’s Ted Talk “Connected, but alone?” truly resonated with me, and helped me realize why I find social media and constant access to my smart phone so isolating.   Halfway through watching the presentation, I deactivated my Instagram account, because Turkle made so many persuasive points on how people rely on various social media platforms for “instant listeners.”   Lately, I find myself craving trips to places with no cellphone service, or wish to purposely forget my phone at home so that I stop feeling guilty for always wanting to check Instagram or Facebook – although, I then worry that someone won’t be able to contact me in regards to something important and I settle for leaving my phone on airplane mode, or use the new iPhone feature “Downtime” which lets users schedule limited access to distracting apps.   Often, I consider locking my phone in the safe, simply to deny myself access.   This isn’t a one off, Turkle-induced desire to teach myself the v...

Oh, neighbour down south....